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Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom
The occasional blog of an Anglican priest in rural Essex

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Lord they give me all so much, they pick me up when I'm feeling blue now how 'bout you

Well that was a bit of a roller coaster week. It must be busy if all I have time to do is write comments on other people's blogs.

Tomorrow we have the diocesan Bishop coming for a confirmation, at which originally there were to have been 5 candidates doing different things - renewing vows, being received into the church and actually getting confirmed. After a week when (to re-use a phrase I coined earlier) everything has gone not just pear shaped but avocado pear shaped - heavy stuff with a big lump in - 4 candidates have dropped out; I did wonder about calling it off but the remaining person is actually quite ill and is going into hospital on Sunday afternoon, so the timing seemed right.

Also this week we have had some trees pollarded in the churchyard, bringing forth howls of anguish from people who (a) don't read or understand faculty notices and/or (b) think they know more about trees than our tree surgeon and tree warden combined. So the wardens and I have been fielding this "LOI" (land-owner issue) when really I wanted to get on with other stuff like booking New Wine (LSE) and gearing up for the ECHT Hosanna 09 conference at Chelmsford Cathedral.

Stuff for the Lent course arrived this week also after what seems like about a year in the post and "D'oh", I had mis-ordered so there won't be enough resources to go round the groups, giving me another headache for next week ...

So I was ready to let my hair down (if I had any outside my ears and nostrils that was long enough to let down) by Friday night, which was the school PTA 70's/80's disco. It was just for the parents too which meant that I could actually have a dance. You see, I suffer from (or maybe I should say profit from) a condition called "dads don't dance" which prevents me from being able to strut any kind of stuff let alone the funky variety in the presence of my children (or even other people's children come to that).

However, the hiring of a Travolta Saturday Night Fever suit led to an extremely enjoyable evening, very much in the style of the school disco's [yes there should be an apostrophe, for abbreviation] we all knew and loved, except that there was no-one being sick outside, and we could complement each other on dance ability or style without fearing being accused of chatting each other up. It was a cracking night and will I'm sure feature again in the PTA calendar and this blog (maybe even with photos next time!)

am also currently brewing a post about Jade Goody


  1. Do I get another pint for Sweet Home Alabama?

  2. Phil, yes, if you can get the lyric reference for the waves post (Mon 2 March) without using google.
    That'll make it 2 I owe you


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