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Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom
The occasional blog of an Anglican priest in rural Essex

Monday, 9 February 2009

One voice one hope, one real decision

Not a post about synod (yet)
I am yet to cross post between my blogs but this Sunday's sermon was such a monumental effort, (only just managed to get to my feet to announce the next song) and seems to have had such a huge impact on Stebbing's congregation that I though you might like to have a look. do comment here rather than on the tgsermons blog.


  1. Thanks - refreshing break from Barth - the film works well and delivers quite a punchline. I like the Drake prayer too - this is powerful stuff. Your church is very obviously spirit-filled - I like the vision of the coiled rope - very prophetic.

  2. full text of video is available here http://www.intervarsity.org/slj/article/4249/

    and there are some other versions on Youtube


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